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We've Moved to a New Location

We are very glad to announce that we have just moved to a new location.
Our new office address is at Unit 107 First Midland Office Condominium Building, along Gamboa Street, Legaspi Village, Makati City, a few steps from our previous location (Corinthian Plaza Building).

Facing the newly renovated Washington Sycip Park

Our office numbers will stay the same as
Telephone: (02) 859-1000
Fax: (02) 859-1088

But you can also call directly to following departments
Asset Management - (02) 859-1000 Local 1025
Sales & Leasing - (02) 859-1000 Local 1001
Property Appraisal - (02) 859-1000 Local 1037
Business Development - (02) 859-1000 Local 1022
Recruitment - (02) 859-1000 Local 1026
Finance - (02) 859-1000 Local 1030

Should you have any questions about the relocation, please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to serving you in our new and better office surroundings.

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